Massenmedien & Adipositas

Daniel Weghuber und KollegInnen haben in einem aktuellen Committee Report auf Europäischer Ebene den Zusammenhang zwischen Adipositas bei Kindern und der Verfügbarkeit von Massenmedien untersucht (englischer Artikel).

Reviewing and addressing the link between mass media and the increase in obesity among European children: The European Academy of Paediatrics (EAP) and The European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) consensus statement

Abstract: This study reviewed the link between social media and the growing epidemic of childhood obesity in Europe. A task force from the European Academy of Paediatrics and the European Childhood Obesity Group searched published literature and developed a consensus statement. It found that there was evidence of a strong link between obesity levels across European countries and childhood media exposure and that parents and society needed a better understanding of the influence of social media on dietary habits.

Conclusion:Health policies in Europe must take account of the range of social media influences that promote the development of childhood obesity.


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